Our Services
Mansfield Land Use Consultants has the industry experience and knowledge to see your project come alive from inception to the final closeout. We provide a complete range of services tailored to each individual client’s needs.
Land Use Consulting
Every project begins with a discussion, an interpretation or concept developed by a Land Use Consultant or Planner. Whether it involves the conceptual design of a construction project, or the evaluation of municipal codes to determine how a project can be permitted, a qualified Land Use Consultant plays a vital role in getting a project off the ground successfully. The core of our firm is founded on identifying the “Uses” available to a select property at the first stages of discussion. The “Use” may be defined through Zoning or other Code elements, Infrastructure availability or just plain politics. Our Land Use Planners and Consultants, teaming with all of the other in-house disciplines, are well qualified to perform initial project evaluations and site planning of a wide range of land uses and then create a path through the maze of agencies and permitting required to bring the vision to reality.
We have a highly successful track record for achieving discretionary permits and approvals throughout the State, with emphasis on Northwest Lower Michigan. We are considered the region’s best in visually communicating and presenting our clients goals and objective, the “vision”, in any public forum.

- Due Diligence Investigations/Feasibility Studies
- Highest and Best Use Studies
- Ordinance Review
- Site Planning
- Single Family/Multi-Family
- Commercial/Retail/Industrial
- Resort/Institutional/Recreational
- Vineyard/Winery
- Mixed Use Communities
- Land Division/Platting/Site Condominium
- Land Use Entitlements
- Special Use Permits (SUP/SLUP)/Conditional Use Permits
- Planned Unit Development (PUD/PRUD)
- Variances/Exceptions
- Rezoning/Comprehensive Plan Amendment
- Client Representation/Public Hearing Testimony
Land Surveying
Land Surveying is an integral part of virtually every new construction project. Accurate boundary and topographic surveys form the basis for the preparation of efficient and cost-effective design drawings. Construction staking services are required to assist the contractor to build new projects. The preparation of record drawings such as plats, condominium maps, and “as-constructed” maps represent additional services often required for new construction.
We have a Professional Land Surveyor and Survey Crew on staff, equipped with the latest technology and experience to provide all necessary Land Survey Services.

- Plats
- Land Divisions and Lot Line Adjustments
- Single Family Plot/Site Plans
- As-Built Surveys
- Easements and Dedications
- Site Condominium/Condominium Survey Exhibits
- Boundary Surveys and Property Line Staking/Monumentation
- ALTA Surveys
- Topographic Mapping
- Title Report Review and Evaluation
- Legal Descriptions and Exhibits
- Construction Staking
- LIDAR Integration
- Encroachment Surveys
- Professional Survey Certifications
- FEMA Surveys, Elevation Certifications, LOMA (Letter of Map Amendment)
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering makes the vision a reality. Our staff of experienced Professional Engineers and CAD Designers work together using the latest in Computer Aided Design Software to provide our clients with the full range of civil engineering services. By using our comprehensive knowledge of the regulatory and construction industry, combined with our experience gained through the completion of over hundreds of individual projects, we help our clients achieve their development objectives efficiently, timely, and within budget. But design is only a portion of the process leading to development.
In today’s complex and ever-changing regulatory environment, it is critical to understand the local, legal and subjective permitting requirements for new projects. Most projects need multiple permits (often from local, state, and federal agencies), which sometimes have conflicting requirements.
Our personnel are skilled at investigating, completing, and processing project permits as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our Engineers are some of the best in coordinating the permitting process, resolving conflicts, responding to governmental review comments, and expediting permit approvals.

- Project Value Engineering Analysis
- Public/Private Roadway Design
- Water System Design
- Sanitary Sewer System Design
- Stormwater Management Design
- Client Representation with Agency Personnel
- Construction Applications and Permits
- Low Impact Development/Design
- Storm Water Basin Studies, and Hydraulic Computations
- Storm Water Management Operator
- ADA Site Compliance
Landscape Architecture
Landscape design should be an effective response to regulatory, cultural, and environmental requirements, which contribute to the success and acceptance of a new development within the community. Our Professional Landscape Architects and Designers are the company’s most diverse employees and have a detailed understanding of landscaping design standards, materials, and vegetation requirements. Working in union with Planning and Engineering staff, they serve to develop landscape plans, planting plans, specifications, meeting the many varied desires of each municipality.

- Vineyard/Winery Development
- Recreational parks, playgrounds, gardens, and trails
- Shoreline Restoration
- Dock Permitting
- Planting Design for low impact storm water design utilizing native species
- Conceptual and Preliminary Planting Plans
- Wetland and Riparian Buffer Enhancement
- Ecological restoration and mitigation plans
- Entry Monument Design / Sign Design and Permitting
- Street Tree Plans
- Lighting Plans
- Parks and Recreation Design
- Construction documents and written specifications for landscape development
- Construction Administration
Architectural Design Services are available through our staff of Licensed Professional Architects, Designers, and CAD Technicians that comprise Traverse Architect Group – TAG, our in-house sister firm. Working together seamlessly with TAG the Planners and Engineers can immediately engage and focus on a project holistically and efficiently. Through long term relationships we facilitate Geotechnical, Mechanical, Electrical, and Structural Engineering Consultants to provide our clients with complete working drawings for building construction.
As some construction projects require design review approval. We are able to provide conceptual elevation drawings, artist renderings, and other materials to accompany applications through the entitlement process. Graphic design services are also available and we have full color reproduction capabilities, enabling us to provide complete visual references for new projects in house.

- Single Family Custom and Spec
- Multi-family – Townhome/Apartment
- Mixed Use
- Winery Specialist/Agricultural
- Office/Commercial/Retail/Hospitality
- Conceptual Design/Schematic Programming/Final Construction Documents
- Code Compliance
- Bidding and Construction Management
- Permit Processing and Expediting
Why Work With Us?
At Mansfield Land Use Consultants, we provide unparalleled service to the private sector land developer. We focus on creating a personalized road map to achieve our client’s goals and objectives. We understand the intricate permitting processes required by local and state government agencies, including Planned Unit Developments and Special Land Use Permits. We produce professional submittals with exceptional visual presentations.
We are recognized by an unmatched level of teamwork, transparency and enthusiasm, from start to finish.
Experts in the field
Customer Support
Have a project in mind?
Reach out for all your Land Planning, Surveying, Civil Engineering and Architecture services.